Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/11 Has Passed, No more Mosque Talk?

The ninth anniversary of one of the most horrific attacks on American soil has passed.  I hope everyone took time that day to remember those we have lost and not make that day about burning the Qur'an or holding demonstrations about anti Muslim sentiment.  O wait, some people did do that.  Some people, who thought they were honoring the dead by holding anti Muslim protest, might have well just spit on the graves of the fallen.  YOU HONOR THE DEAD BY REMEMBERING THEM, NOT BY STIRRING UP HATRED!  I say damn those who protested on that day!  And here we are, eleven days later after all of the commotion and we have.... silence?  A movement that erupted in America and was on front pages everywhere is now dead.  Why?  Because the date of September 11th has passed?  Now we don't hate Muslims? Or is that we came to our senses? Ha! Not recently has that happened in America.  I'm betting the politicians decided they got what they needed out of the date, controversy.  Sad isn't it?  It is sad that we have turned a day of mourning into a day of creating political advantage.  Imam Faisal was right; it all blew over after 9/11 passed.  Build the mosque, please.  Prove to us that Muslims are just like Christians and Jews.  Let us build relationships and move forward together in peace.

God Bless the Fallen...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Scholarships for the hard working....?

Graduating college debt free has become a feat of the few.  Some students can graduate, with only a bachelor's degree, having over $60,000 in debt.  There are, however, a select group of people who can get those coveted full ride scholarships, enabling debt free living after graduation.  Hold the brand new car that may be bought as a reward.  So who gets these magical "get out of debt free" cards.  Well, the insanely brilliant, the under privileged, and the decently athletic.

The first group I have no problem with.  These are the people who go on to work at the Cleveland Clinic as brain surgeons or the NASA Glenn Research center as rocket scientists.  Their work will undoubtedly benefit mankind.  I am also all for giving the under privileged a fighting chance, so long as they do something productive with their degree.  It is the last group I have a slight issue with.  Now, don't get me wrong, I love college football.  But, I think we need to rethink the amount of money that goes into scholarships for athletics.  Let's face it, how many of those athletes come out with engineering degrees?  How many of those athletes enter a career where they even use their degrees?  How many athletes even chose a major they enjoy?  The life of a college athlete is so grueling that I've known many to chose the easiest classes they can find, just so they can keep up with their training.  It is not fair to the athlete and it is not fair to society.  

How about we pony up some dollars for those students who labor into the late hours of the night, with their nose stuck in a book, just to get a good grade.  And I am not talking about the super geniuses that need only to show up for the test to pass with flying colors.  I am saying let's look out for the hard working smart kids.  Let's toss them some scholarships because they truly deserve it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Two Sides

Every story has two sides, we all know this.  Isn't it odd that with some arguments both sides are 100% correct?  I mean, how can that be?  As an engineer this one is hard for me.  For instance, if a formula is used correctly and the calculation has been done flawlessly then there is only one possible answer.  It is impossible for there to be two different answers.  But with people, it is a rare occurrence that there is only one outcome.  Let's take, for example, my opinion on the flooding in Pakistan.  I think it is terrible that very little aid is being sent to the country.  To me, that is completely wrong.  But to other people, for example anti-Muslim's, it is practically a sin to give any sort of aid to that country.  As far as I am concerned (and I would hope most sane people would agree with me) there is only one answer, give Pakistan aid.  If only there was a formula!

Here comes the curve ball.  Even math can be wrong.  It is not often, but math can be proven wrong.  I have actually watched a former professor of mine prove 2+2=4 wrong with a whole series of other proven mathematical facts.  So where am I going with this?  Well, I'm not really sure, but I think I might use this idea to analyze my future posts...